Elder Espinoza

Elder Espinoza
Alma 26:12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"there's no comfort in growth and there's no growth in comfort."

December 31, 2013

  Well I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas! It was really nice to be able to Skype with my family! Its pretty crazy to think that I've used up half of the times I get to Skype home! The time sure is flying by.
  Christmas was pretty nice here. We had a nice sunny and warm Christmas lol. It was in the mid to high 50's I think. Sure didn't feel like Christmas!! But it was nice to be able to hang out with members here. They're basically family to me now lol. Kinda like a home away from home.
  We were still able to have a busy successful week as well. We've been teaching lots and lots of lessons. We have also been finding a lot of new investigators who seem to really want to learn more about Christ and His gospel. As missionaries we kind of go through these stages where we find a lot then teach a lot then baptize a lot. We're kinda at the point where we have done that and are going back to finding lol. But were working on being able to keep it all constant. Our mission president wants us to baptize weekly. its tough but its definitely possible if we have the faith and diligence to do so! This area is a perfect place to do it!
  We have transfers coming up next week and we are both hoping we stay again! I would be way too sad to leave this area. But if the Lord calls me to go somewhere else I will willingly go!
  Not much else has happened here in El Paso. Just the same ol same ol. I hope every one has a happy and safe new year! I also hope we all have set some goals that are reasonable but will also make us stretch! There's a quote I love that goes something like, "there's no comfort in growth and there's no growth in comfort." Makes complete sense to me! I hope everyone sets some spiritual goals as well. It doesn't matter where we are at in life we can always strengthen our relationship with our father in heaven! Love you all and hope everyone stays safe!

Love Elder Jaden Espinoza

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