Elder Espinoza

Elder Espinoza
Alma 26:12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

First Baptismal Commitment!

April 16,2013

Hello hello!

So this past week has really been a great week!!  I'll start off with telling you about our investigator Natasha.  So we went and taught the first lesson and it went really well!!  She committed to baptism and everything.  Its crazy how receptive she is to everything we teach her.  She really wants to be baptized.  She came to church with us on Sunday and absolutely loved it.  Everyone was really nice to us and at first she was a little hesitant to leave us for Relief Society but some random sister came up and took her right away from us.  It was pretty funny and we were really thankful!  She loved it though!!  We are so excited for her and its really awesome to see her want to change her life and come closer to Christ.  She really is a sincere woman.  We still need to teach her some more lessons and make sure she fully understands the atonement and why we are baptized.  Her baptism date is May 11th but we both think it will be sooner than that 'cause she is so receptive and so willing to learn more and change her life.  She is definitely one of those people God is preparing for His gospel.  Its pretty awesome to be told you are the answer to someones prayers:)  So on Sunday we had to teach CTR 5.... oh boy, haha it sure was fun!!!  At first all the kids were super rowdy and not really listening.  We were teaching about the Holy Ghost so I told them that the Holy Ghost is really quiet and we can't hear it when we are super loud.  So after that they were all quiet and whispering and folding their arms.  It was the funniest/cutest thing I've ever seen!!!  It was such an awesome experience!  So we knocked on this door and this lady answered and said we could come back.  We met her at the park and we thought we would be teaching her the first lesson but boy did we have a surprise waiting for us!  Her husband was there with his Bible ready for us, haha!  He tried to prove us wrong saying we don't need to be baptized by water only by the Holy Spirit.  He really has these weird thoughts on things but he is a really nice guy and very sincere.  We brought a member with us and he got a little upset and told the guy he was wrong and this and that which is something were never supposed to do!!!   So we asked the guy if we could come back and talk to him another time haha which we did and we had a TON of scriptures talking about baptism by immersion and what not.  We straight burned him haha but that's not what we're supposed to do so we did it in a different way lol.  We just showed him all the scriptures and he told us what he thought.  He never lets us tell him what we think or what the scripture really means...lol but its a huge testimony builder for me 'cause so many people are confused about what the scriptures mean and what you need to do to be "saved."  And I KNOW exactly what it is we have to do.  As missionaries we are truly called and qualified of God.  I learned in the MTC that God doesn't call the qualified.  He qualifies those he calls.  Its very uplifting and comforting.  I hope everyone is doing well!  I keep everyone in my prayers every day!!  Love you all!

Elder Jaden Espinoza

My district at the Albuquerque New Mexico Temple!
in order 1. Elder Wilhelmson 2. Elder Snyder 3. Elder Becar 4. Me!

Me and Elder Becar-my Companion

My trainer and my trainer's trainer! So in the mission your trainer is called your dad.So thats my Grandpa, my Dad and I! and guess what my Grandpa's name is? Elder Espinosa haha just spelled wrong ;) kinda cool though!

Elder Koranda and I.  I've actually stayed the night at his place before this zone conference so I know 
him pretty well now. I gave him the low down on Pasco. He seems excited to go there!
(Elder Koranda is Melanie Bassett's son. Melanie moved into our ward last year from Utah. What a coincidence that our sons are in the same Mission and now have the same home ward!)

Sister Carpenter and I. She was in my district in the MTC. we called her the Holy Ghost cause she was super quiet but whenever she talked everyone shut up and listened haha

Us three did this burger challenge at this restaurante after our district meeting and got this shirt haha

This is a cool picture of the sun!!! It was really windy that day so the white sand gets blown everywhere. we couldn't even see the mountain but you could look right at the sun with no problem.

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